As if a Forced Cable Transition Isn’t Silly Enough

For anyone still lingering in the “dark ages” of rabbit ears (Wait, do we have to switch yet? Don’t we? Is there a right answer?), the president has developed a “coupon program” to help subsidize the cost of the converter box needed for the upgrade. In fact, he has set aside an additional $650 million just to make sure we don’t go un-entertained during this confusing time. Naturally, the version of the Constitution that Obama must be reading spells out in detail how the federal government is responsible for keeping the tube lit up at all times. Right. And given the government can’t even seem to streamline this ridiculous transition process, we will also be paying 4,000 FCC employees to field 1-800 calls in an effort to clarify any consumer confusion. Now that’s entertaining.

Read it at the New York Times.

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