Posts by Carl Close
Carl Close is Research Fellow and Senior Editor for The Independent Institute and Assistant Editor of The Independent Review and editor of The Lighthouse, The Independent Institute’s weekly e-mail newsletter.
Full Biography and Recent Publications
This Week’s Lighthouse: Oil Spill, Cuba, Constitutions, Gaza
This Week’s The Lighthouse: Elena Kagan, Foreign Investment, Russian Spies, and Uganda Bombings
Five Economic Lessons from Haiti
The Central Bank’s Powers Should Be Curtailed, Monetary Expert Argues
Homeschooled Teens: Learn about Today’s Economy!
Templeton Fellowships Essay Contest Deadline Approaches
Contest to Reward Essays about Government Parasitism
Get in Touch with Your Inner Survivorman? New FEMA Head Encourages It
Make Summer Vacation Exciting and Enlightening!
Reforming Environmental Policy: Seminar for Homeschool Students
Arguably Ripping into the Federal Reserve from Within
Challenge of Liberty Seminar Now Open to Single-Day Attendance
A Timely Economics Seminar for Homeschoolers
Anna Schwartz Indicts the Federal Reserve–Again
Alex Tabarrok on the Coming Good Times
Does Regulation Prevent Financial Fraud?
The Road Ahead Should Not Be Paved with Pork
Contest to Reward Outstanding Essays on Virtue, Freedom, and Civil Society
A Stable, United Iraq Is Hardly a Sure Thing

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