Posts by Carl Close
Carl Close is Research Fellow and Senior Editor for The Independent Institute and Assistant Editor of The Independent Review and editor of The Lighthouse, The Independent Institute’s weekly e-mail newsletter.
Full Biography and Recent Publications
Spending Cuts Are More Effective for Deficit Reduction
Dodd-Frank: One Year Later, the Bailout Dilemma Remains
Mario Vargas Llosa’s Intellectual Journey
Book Champions Market-Based Law and Justice
Summer 2011 Issue of The Independent Review Now Available. Discuss.
Totalitarian Art
Budget Cut Not as Historically Significant as Claimed
The Fed as the U.S. Economy’s New Central Planner
Bruce Benson Discusses His Book Property Rights
Hayek versus the 2010 Healthcare and Financial Industry Reforms
The Independent Review—Spring 2011 Issue Now Available
The Matchmakers of Predatory Politics
Scholars Shed Light on Enviro-Econ Wars
This Week in The Lighthouse: Road to Recovery | Nobel Prize | Obama’s Wars | Runaway Defense Spending
Sweden’s Leftists Angered by Mario Vargas Llosa’s Nobel Prize in Literature
Justice versus “Social Justice”
California Diesel Law Based on Gross Overestimate
Multicultural Milkshakes Give Way to the Solace of Sustainability
This Week’s Lighthouse: Obama’s New Stimulus | The Old West | Afghanistan | Ecuador
Gold to Go: Coming to a Town Near You?
This Week in The Lighthouse: Government’s Cost | U.S. Economy | Fourth Amendment | Venezuelan Elections
This Week in The Lighthouse: Britain’s Budget Cuts, Nationalizing Marriage, Privatize Police, Entrepreneurship
This Week in The Lighthouse: Obamacare, Renewable Energy, Ground Zero Mosque, Counterinsurgency Strategy
This Week in The Lighthouse: Economic Recovery, Double-Taxing Energy, Afghanistan, Bullfighting
This Week in The Lighthouse: WikiLeaks, Right to Bear Arms, Trillion Dollar Foreign Policy, Venezuela

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