Posts by Carl Close
Carl Close is Research Fellow and Senior Editor for The Independent Institute and Assistant Editor of The Independent Review and editor of The Lighthouse, The Independent Institute’s weekly e-mail newsletter.
Full Biography and Recent Publications
Guardian Against Tyranny: The Writ of Habeas Corpus
Why Has Congress Militarized the Bureaucrats?
Toward a Better Balanced Budget Amendment
What Gives Rise to “Crony Capitalism”?
Why Are Cops Acting Like Soldiers?
Fascinating Questions from The Independent Review
Are You a Victim of Environmental Cancer Hype?
Fire Safety Lessons from Nigeria
Regime Uncertainty and Firearm Purchases
Should Insurance Regulation Be Used as a Political Pawn?
World War II Didn’t End the Great Depression
Nixon and Buchanan: Power versus Principle
Greatest Hits of 2012
Robert Bork (1927-2012)
The Fiscal Cliff and Policy Uncertainty
I, Pencil: The Movie
Crisis and Leviathan, 25th Anniversary Edition
Defense Cuts Would Encourage Needed Improvements
Anti-Gouging Laws Prevent Prices from Sending the Right Signals
Markets Promote Peace and Harmony
Promote Liberty by Reforming Higher Education?
Think You’re Smart? Try This Quiz from The Independent Review!
Boom and Bust Banking—Causes and Cures
A Brief History of the Case Against Obamacare
How States Can Control Their Spending

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