Tag: Law
Obamacare’s Tax Credits in Jeopardy
Gun Violence Is a Consequence of War
Tech Companies Work to Tame Patent Trolls without Government Help
Do Private Prisons Make Financial Sense for States?
Why Hobby Lobby Is Not an Assault on Women
The Economics of Offensive Trademarks
SCOTUS Affirms That Abstract Ideas Are Not Patent-Eligible
Is “Redskins” Offensive?
Patent Troll Hit with Legal Fees
In Defense of Edward Snowden Against John Kerry’s Slanderous Attacks
Big Pharma, Trial Lawyers, and Harry Reid Kill Patent Reform
Patent Trolls and Trial Lawyers Thwart Patent Reform
Apple and Google Announce a Ceasefire in the Patent Wars
Patent Litigation Is No Laughing Matter… Or Is It?
Gary S. Becker, R.I.P.
Some Basics of State Domination and Public Submission
NSA Chief Recommends Severely Curtailing Spying. Obama Won’t.
Governor Stevens and I
Extortion, Part II
Police Claim Teen Shot Himself In Head—While Handcuffed Behind Back
Pelosi Caught on Obamacare Lies
More on Common Core: It’s about Snooping, Not Standards
Stephen Halbrook’s Gun Control in the Third Reich
The Whole Surveillance State Must Go

  • Catalyst
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org