Tag: Energy
Take or Pay at the EPA
No War for Oil Confronts a Key Premise of U.S. Foreign Policy
Climategate 2.0
More “Green” Energy Cronyism and Corporate Welfare
If You Don’t First Succeed: Yet More Climate Alarmist Fraud?
Fisker Karma: Solyndra on Wheels?
Drink, Don’t Drive: How Obama’s Green Obsession Led me to Drink (and it’s good for the planet!)
A Bright Idea in Congress
Australian Government Climate Scientist: Carbon Warming Too Minor to Be Worth Worrying About
Robert Higgs Speaks on the U.S. Government’s Ethanol Scam
A Conversation about Gasoline Prices
The War Was About Oil, After All
250 Legal Scholars Condemn Obama’s Treatment of Bradley Manning
The President Should Set Goals for His Administration, Not Those that Follow
Nuclear Power and the State
The EPA and Corporate Welfare: More from the Climate-Government-Industrial Complex
SCOTUS Agrees to Hear Global Warming Suit
Al Gore Opposes Corn-Based Ethanol Subsidies
No Interest on Daylight Savings
Top Physicists Protest the Corruption of Science
California Diesel Law Based on Gross Overestimate
More Bad News for Climate Alarmists: Ice Melt Is Lower and Its Cause Dates 20,000 Years Ago
This Week in The Lighthouse: Obamacare, Renewable Energy, Ground Zero Mosque, Counterinsurgency Strategy
This Week in The Lighthouse: Economic Recovery, Double-Taxing Energy, Afghanistan, Bullfighting
More on the Climate Government-Industrial Complex

  • Catalyst
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org