Posts by Robert Higgs
Robert Higgs is Senior Fellow in Political Economy at the Independent Institute, author or editor of over fourteen Independent books, and Editor at Large of Independent’s quarterly journal The Independent Review.
What if the Americans Had Established Six Nations, Rather than One?
The Confidence Fairy versus the Animal Spirits—Not Really a Fair Fight
Justice Done in Louisiana! Whuda Thunk?
More Evidence Suggestive of Regime Uncertainty
An Easy Solution to the Government’s Debt-Ceiling Impasse
Looming Treasury “Default”: Theater of the Absurd
Has the American Revolution’s Rationale Lost Its Force?
World War II: Still Being Touted as the Quintessential Keynesian Miracle
Money versus Monetary Base: A Basic Yet Critical Distinction
The Continuing Puzzle of the Hyperinflation that Hasn’t Occurred
Expel These Vultures
The Drug War’s Ravages in Guatemala
Osama’s Been Killed — Ten Haiku
Killing a Man Does Not Testify to National Greatness
Two Bearded Germans of the Nineteenth Century
Truth and Freedom in Economic Analysis and Economic Policy Making
Mexicans Are Fed Up with the War on Drugs
Work in Progress: A Boy and His Mom
A Harvard First that the University Rarely Touts
Eisenhower and the Military-Industrial Complex
Morris David Morris (February 10, 1921 – March 12, 2011)
A Chance for Peace, 1953
Derek Leebaert’s Magic and Mayhem
Extreme Aggregation Misleads Macroeconomists and the Fed
A Quick Look at U.S. Government Debt

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