California Voters Reject Budget Monstrosity

Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders, mostly Democrats, hoped all their budget proposals would win voter approval at yesterday’s special election. But “Propositions 1A through 1E, the measures directly pertaining to the budget, all lost by huge margins.”

Even more encouraging, “Only Proposition 1F, which denies pay increases to state elected officials when the state is running a deficit — such raises rarely happen anyway — won easily.”

Given the continued determination of California politicians to spend like mad, and considering the general political culture, there is a long way to go toward true fiscal solvency, but the message, even in this relatively small and symbolic defeat of the establishment, is pretty clear: Leave us alone; we’re being taxed enough; stop passing off more of your same nonsense as if it were going to solve anything. If someone needs to sacrifice any more than they are, it’s you, the political class.

  • Catalyst